Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Response to Kenda's post. 2/9/13

In response to Kendra's post "Media and marketing affecting self-esteem"

Kendra brings up a lot of good points about today's advertisements, marketing, and how they effect people.  I agree with her that businesses alter our viewpoints by photo shop or anything in that nature.  It does make the normal person question themselves and want to look as good as the person on the billboard, commercial, etc. which is very dangerous for our health. Especially with younger kids, who see someone appear to be perfect and then alter their life style to be like them not being educated enough to realize it's just a gimmick. Advertisements make you feel like you have to buy their product to feel good about yourself which isn't the truth.

To respond to Kendra's questions she brought up, I don't believe the media or marketing strategies will drastically change in our life time because it is working for them. They are making money and being successful however their doing it now and don't really care about how it affects others as long as people are buying their product and their making money. I do not think companies feel bad false advertising and taking advantage of people buying products to improve their appearance because of what I mentioned earlier, as long as their making money and people are buying their product it's all good for them. If "regular" people had always been featured in advertisements I do believe there would be less self-esteem problems in America, but products wouldn't be as successful. Advertising is making people want to buy products to not feel "normal" or "regular." Advertising is to make that person who buy that product feel like their ahead of the game, feel like that beautiful model on that commercial, feel better about themselves. I don't think products would be as successful if advertisement changed their ways and didn't make people feel like buying their product will change their mindset and confidence levels.

What do you think? What advertising technique would get you to buy a product faster?

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